On display at the Japanese spring 1983 model show.
New release as noted in 1983 magazine, the KKK Robinson R22 with Flybarless rotor head and for glow or petrol engines.
Imported in the UK by Dave Nieman Models and in the USA By California Model Imports.
Dave Nieman and KKK Robinson R22 HP, even with tens years flying experience and the model the best Flybarless at the time; it was still not easy.
Robinson R22 HB review - Build and flying review by Colin Cameron-Tough from Dec 1983 Radio Control Helicopters.
Construction drawing
1984 Swedish advert
Two model variants, one for 50/60 size glow engines and the second for the 20cc 'echo' petrol; both version featured a Flybarless rotor head.
Kit Box
Robinson R22 HB review - Swedish with good pictures