Vintage Stunt News & Views

News - Historic Articles


At the start of 2002 new BMFA Vintage Stunt rules came into effect. These abolished the high level flight and vertical 'S' manoeuvres at the start of the schedule and imposed a 10 minute time limit. There were also changes to the model bonuses.

At the same time, SAM 35 made minor changes to the rules that were adopted at the start of 2001. These abolished the reverse wingover manoeuvre and also imposed a 10 minute time limit.

The result of this is that both BMFA and SAM 35 fly the same schedule with a 10 minute limit. However, the cut-off dates remain different at 1952 for BMFA and 1957 for SAM 35. SAM 35 have no model bonuses.

Historic articles

June 1948 - Ron Warring's Control Line Commentary from 'Aeromodeller' has an analysis of current stunt designs.
July 1948 - The Gold Trophy from 'Aeromodeller' has a report on the first annual contest.
1949 - Kan Doo development by Pete Cock from 'Model Planes Annual'.
May 1949 - H J Nicholls column Control Line Developments from 'Model Aircraft' has comments on the then current trends in stunt model design.
December 1950 - Peter Chinn's column Accent on Power from 'Model Aircraft' has an interesting comparison of Peter's 'Yulupa' design and Brian Hewitt's Nationals winning 'Stunt Queen'.
March 1951 - Stunt outlook for '51 by Joe Wagner appeared in 'Model Airplane News'. Has notes on flying the schedule as it was then and plans of a vintage-legal design.
December 1956 - How to Test a Stunt Ship by Bill Netzeband from Model Airplane News.
January 1957 - How to Fly STUNT by Bill Netzeband from Model Airplane News.
February 1957 - Theory and the Stunt Model by Bill Netzeband from Model Airplane News.
March 1957 - MORE..about Stunt Theory by Bill Netzeband from Model Airplane News.
April 1957 - Pointers On Stunt by Bill Netzeband from Model Airplane News.
April 1961 - Invisible Control Hinges by Dave Day (my first published article) from 'Model Aircraft'. This was Norman Butchers title for my unobtrusive hinge system.
1963 - How to select the proper glow plug by Bill Netzeband from 'American Modeler Annual'.
1963 - Olympic VI by Bob Gialdini from 'American Modeler Annual'. This article made a lasting impression on me and was a strong influence.
July/August 1966 - Control-Line Aerodynamics Made Painless by Bill Netzeband from 'American Modeler'.
September/October 1966 - Control-Line Aerodynamics Made Painless - THE CONTROL SYSTEM by Bill Netzeband from 'American Modeler'.
December 1967 - Control-Line Aerodynamics Made Painless (Part 3) by Bill Netzeband from 'American Modeler'.
March 1973 - Go for broke by Al Rabe from 'American Aircraft Modeler'. Al explains the development of his Sea Fury.
July 1973 - Fly the schedule - part 1 by Jim Mannall from 'Aeromodeller'. Jim explains how to fly the F2B schedule in detail from take-off to the triangular loops.
August 1973 - Fly the schedule - part 2 by Jim Mannall from 'Aeromodeller'. Jim goes on to describe the rest of the F2B schedule and gives further notes on competition flying.
September 1978 - Evolution of a Thoroughbread by Al Rabe. The development of Al's 'Mustang' stunters. Interesting and contentious.

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