Radio Equipment

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It won't byte - this was written as a basic introduction to computer radios, using the JR 'Max 6' as an example.

'Super Max 66' - also known as the '622'.
JR 'PCM9' - possibly the ultimate non-computer set.
JR 'APEX Computer' Heli - two versions of the very first JR computer set:
JR 'APEX Computer' Heli set with CCPM
I have written several articles on the original JR 'PCM10'. While the system has been developed and improved there are still a lot of the earlier sets out there. Hopefully these will help someone. The 'quirks' article is still very relevant.
JR 'PCM10' - the original set (heli version) - almost the first example in the UK.
JR 'PCM10' Aero - these two were produced as english instructions for an English importer.
JR 'PCM10' Heli
JR 'PCM10' Quirks - all you ever wanted to know...
JR 'PCM 10SX' - a little closer to the present.
JR 'PCM8' - a little-known budget version of the 'PCM10'.
JR 'x-347' - the first of the multiple model type JR sets.
robbe/Futaba 'FC-28' - a radio which impressed me a lot and still does.
Futaba '9ZAP/9ZHP' - almost as much of a marathon to read as it was to write.
Futaba '9ZHP' in depth - quirks and programming facts.
Futaba 'Skysport 6A' - something a little simpler.
Futaba 'Gold' Series.
Futaba 'G-501' Piezo Gyro.
Sanwa 'DB Laser 7P & 7H'.
Sanwa 'SG-10' Piezo Gyro.
Digifleet 'PCM-MX7' - a British set with something for everyone.
World Electronics 'Talisman' System - a British set with no frills.
Multiplex 'Royale mc' - a set very much in the continental style and with a bewildering choice of options.
Multiplex 'Mc3030' - the hardest work, and the steepest learning curve for any potential owner.
Multiplex 'Mc3010' - an 'entry level' version of the above.
Multiplex 'Cockpit MM' - a brand new set which has several new features.
Graupner/JR 'Mc10' - another new addition to the entry level market.

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