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British Nationals Aerobatic Events 2001

Held at Barkston Heath 25 - 27 August

Discarded scores in red

F2B - Class 2 - Classic - Vintage

F2B - Gold Trophy

Round 1 Saturday Round 2 Sunday Round 3 Monday
Place Name Circle A Circle B Circle A Circle B Circle A Circle B Score
1 John Benzing 1926.5 1946 1938.5 2019 1960.5 2013 7931
2 Roy Cherry 1915.5 1903.5 1946.5 2005.5 1850.5 2031 7898.5
3 Barry Robinson 1969.5 1952.5 1973 1924 1904.5 1946 7841
4 Bill Draper 1840 1949 1856 1881 1906.5 1979.5 7691
5 Tony Eifflaender 1863.5 1873 1832.5 2026 1797.5 1932 7654
6 Ray Lloyd 1801.5 1829 1888.5 1845 1743.5 1832 7367
7 Michael Feger 1734.5 1687.5 1815 1761.5 1734 1840 7151
8 Fraser McKay 1696.5 1723 1700 1823.5 1779.5 1819 7122
9 Ian Galt 1775 1654 1743 1758 1720 1837 7113
10 Paul Winter - 1802.5 1666 1799 1811 1730.5 7078.5
11 Peter Arkley 1737.5 1798 1795 1714.5 1717.5 1744 7074.5
12 Paul van Dort 1791.55 1715 1703 110 1736 1824 7066.5
13 John Ash 1751 1731.5 1599.5 1797.5 1671 1615 6951
14 Maurice Doyle 1586.5 1754 - - 1792 1787 6919.5
15 Tony Johnson 1772 1685 1555.5 1614 1656 1752.5 6865.5
16 Eddie Sharp 1710.5 1705.5 1708.5 1724.5 1666 1582 6849
17 Dave Roberts 1748 1679 1699.5 1610 - - 6736.5
18 Jim Hatch 1631.5 1680.5 1678.50 1706.5 1664.5 1575 6730
19 Mark Livesley 1679.5 1614 1776 1600.5 1652 1630.5 6700
20 Steve Foster 1463.5 1589.5 1638 1669.5 1587.5 1694 6589
21 Richard Kornmeier 1545 1643 1660 1570.5 1637.5 598.5 6539
22 Graham Bone 1629.5 1684.5 1630 1580.5 - - 6524.5
23 Ken Reeves 1578.5 1615 1525 1623.5 1581.5 1580 6398.5

Best 2 flights from each circle.
Judges - Circle A: Roger Ladds & Jeff Smith, Circle B: Peter Jackson & Dot Dickinson.
Scores are total of 2 judges.

Class 2

Place Name Round 1
Round 2
Round 3
1 Richard Kornmeier 971 992.5 1057 2049.5
2 Geoff Tennant 810 813.5 844.5 1658
3 Alan Watson 780,5 739 789.5 1570
4 Neville Eyre 742 745 809 1554
5 Dave Benfield 530 592 606.5 1198.5

Best 2 of 3 flights.
Judges: John Ash and Bill Daniels. Scores are total of 2 judges.

Classic - Ron Moulton Trophy

Place Name Model/Motor Round 1
Round 2
Round 3
Appearance Score
1 Dave Day Argus/
Fox 35
1586 2001.5 2102.5 85 4189
2 Glen Alison Shark 45/
ST G51
1940.5 1971.5 2023 80 4076.5
3 Mick Taylor Kamacc/
1981.5 1979.5 2000 75 4056.5
4 Maurice Doyle Hurricane/
ST 46
1898 1921 2030 70 4021
5 Paul van der Meer Argus/
ST G34
1532 1914.5 1885 0 3799.5
6 Fraser McKay Nobler/
Merco 35
1769.5 1793.5 - 70 3633
7 Peter Rabjohn Nobler/
Stalker 40
1447 1741 1768.5 80 3589.5
8 Richard Stepney Peacemaker Stunt/
Fox 25
1572 1664 1870 75 3589
9 Peter Catlow Geisha Girl/
OS 35
1527.5 1367 - 60 2954.5

Best 2 of 3 flights plus appearance points.
Judges: Bertie Wright & John Bonner. Scores are total of 2 judges.


Place Name Model/Motor Round 1
Round 2
Round 3
1 Dave Day Box Car Chief/
ST 35
686 783.5 798.5 1582
2 Mick Taylor Jamieson Spl/OS 40FP 741.5 762.5 796 1558.5
3 Maurice Doyle Checkala Roma/
Fox 35
698.5 698 726.5 1425
4 Terry Taylor Zilch X/
OS 35
612 608 - 1220
5 Dave Roberts Galloping Comedian/
Merco 29
570.5 623 - 1193.5
6 Alan Watson Barnstormer/Fox 35 539 570.5 606 1176
7 Geoff Stephenson Barnstormer/
OS 40 FP
570.5 134.5 - 1142

Curtis Swift/
OS 40 FP
- - 571
8 Geoff Tennant Barnstormer/
Fox 35
470 565 553.5 1118.5
9 Dave Hardwick Trixter Invert/
Stalker 35
539.5 - 541.5 1081

Stalker 35
- 539.5 -
10 Ron Greenwood Galloping Comedian/
Frog 500
530.5 516 380.5 1046.5
11 Barry Pickles Ringmaster/
OS 30
558 369.5 - 927.5
12 Tim Bland Barnstormer/
OS 40
437.5 60 - 497.5
13 Dave Benfield Barnstormer/? 419 - - 419
14 Dick Place Hot Shot/
OS 19
159.5 - - 159.5

Best 2 of 3 flights.
Judges: Ian Russell and Peter Rabjohn. Scores are total of 2 judges

Coloured divider

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