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UK F2B Aerobatic Results 2002

Discarded scores in red.
07 April Oakington - 1st BMFA Centralised.
14 April Witham - Witham Cup.
28 April Milton Keynes - PS Autos Trophy.
05 May Clipston
19 May Nottingham - 2nd BMFA Centralised
09 June Wharfedale - Open F2B & Nev Dickinson Memorial Cup
22 June Higham Ferrers - South Midland Area Rally
23 June Slip End - Chiltern Cup
28 July Milton Keynes - Merco/PAMPA Trophies
11 August Wharfedale - Cancelled
24 - 26 August Barkston Heath - British Nats Gold Trophy
15 September Barton - Barton Cup
22 September Slip End - Doug Blake Trophy
10 November Croydon

Oakington 7 April - 1st BMFA Centralised

Place Name Round 1 Round 2 Round 3 Round 4 Score
1 Barry Robinson 1952.5 1875 1942 1906.5 3894.5
2 Bill Draper 1597 1886 1829 1843 3729
3 Ray Lloyd 1627.5 1730 1832 1711 3562
4 Peter Arkley 1543 1776 1669 1700.5 3476.5
5 Rob Etherton 1448 1554.5 1512.5 1526.5 3081
6 Geoff Tennant 1281.5 1387.5 1423 1477.5 2900.5

Two best flights from four. Scores are total of two judges.
Judges - Peter Jackson & John Bonner. CD - Roger Ladds.

Results: Gail Epstein

Witham 14 April - Witham Cup

Place Name Round 1 Round 2 Round 3 Score
1 Bill Draper 1034 1106.5 1226 2332.5
2 John Benzing 955 1094.5 1081.5 2176
3 Roy Cherry 988 1031 1080 2111
4 Mick Taylor 858 1053.5 1032 2085.5
5 Paul Winter 908 987 1069.5 2056.5
6 Peter Arkley 888 987 1029 2016
7 Peter Jackson 816 971 988 1959
8 Robin Soanes 905 871 971 1876
9 John Ash 427.5 918 947.5 1865.5
10 Rob Etherton 861 855 980 1841
11 Steve Foster 496 - 976.5 1472.5
12 Peter Rabjohn 599.5 625 749 1374

Two best flights from three.
Judge - Tiny Church. CD - Bill Daniels.

Results: Gail Epstein

Milton Keynes 28 April - PS Autos Trophy

Round 1 Round2
Place Name Circle A Circle B Circle A Circle B Score
1 John Benzing 759.5 866.5 846 389.5 1712.5
2 Roy Cherry 855.5 805 - - 1660.5
3 Bill Draper 736 732.5 785.5 634 1518
4 John Ash 652.5 754.5 679.5 - 1434
5 Peter Arkley 668.5 727 660.5 154 1395.5
6 Dick Stepney 542 591 556.5 738 1294.5
7 Rob Etherton 353.5 647.5 45.5 - 1001
=8 Peter Rabjohn - - - - 0
=8 Ray Lloyd - - - - 0
=8 Peter Jackson - - - - 0

Best flight from each circle. Judges - Circle A: Roger Ladds, Circle B: James Parry.

Other events:
Classic - Vintage
Results: Gail Epstein

Clipston 5 May

Round 1 Round2
Place Name Circle A Circle B Circle A Circle B Score
1 Barry Robinson 961.5 911.5 898 898 1873
2 Roy Cherry 932.5 862.5 943.5 10 1806
3 Paul Winter 841 883.5 890 867 1173.5
4 Eddie Sharp 853.5 789 832 762.5 1642.5
5 John Ash 871.5 767.5 847 722 1639
6 Robin Soanes 250 695.5 816 630 1511.5
7 Mick Castell 731 650 754 653 1407
8 Hugh Sewell 663 534 - - 1197

Best flight from each circle. Judges - Circle A: Peter Jackson, Circle B: John Bonner.

Results: Gail Epstein

Nottingham 19 May - 2nd BMFA Centralised

Round 1 Round2
Place Name Circle 1 Circle 2 Circle 1 Circle 2 Score
1 Bill Draper 991.5 1004 994.5 1016.5 2011
2 Barry Robinson 935 1000 987.5 979.5 1987.5
3 Ray Lloyd 942 969.5 924 964 1911.5
4 Eddie Sharp 906 920.5 923 933.5 1856.5
5 Paul Winter 913 931 911 919.5 1844
6 Peter Jackson 885.5 936.5 906.5 900.5 1843
7 Ken Reeves 852.5 901 876.5 854 1777.5
8 Geoff Tennant 737.5 679 730 703.5 1441

Best flight from each circle.
Judges - Circle 1: Dot Dickinson, Circle 2: Reg Lowe. CD: Bill Draper

Results: Gail Epstein

Wharfedale 9 June - Open F2B

Round 1 Round2
Place Name Circle 1 Circle 2 Circle 1 Circle 2 Score
1 John Benzing 980 976.5 979 989.5 1969.5
2 Bill Draper 1006.5 894.5 1025 938 1963
3 Barry Robinson 965.5 888.5 971.5 933.5 1905
4 Paul Winter 912.5 939.5 932.5 885 1872
5 Peter Arkley 900 859.5 935 872.5 1807.5
6 Jim Hatch 870.5 829 891.5 830.5 1722
7 Ken Reeves 837.5 820 878 743.5 1698
8 Geoff Tennant 636 712.5 863.5 767 1630.5
9 Dave Kenny - 627.5 - - 627.5

Best flight from each circle.
CD: Jeff Smith. Judges - Circle 1: Dot Dickinson, Circle 2: Jeff Smith.

Nev Dickinson Memorial Cup

Round 1 Round2
Place Name Circle 1 Circle 2 Circle 1 Circle 2 Score
1 John Benzing 980 976.5 979 989.5 3925
2 Bill Draper 1006.5 894.5 1025 938 3864
3 Barry Robinson 965.5 888.5 971.5 933.5 3759
4 Paul Winter 912.5 939.5 932.5 885 3669.5
5 Peter Arkley 900 859.5 935 872.5 3567
6 Jim Hatch 870.5 829 891.5 830.5 3421.5
7 Ken Reeves 837.5 820 878 743.5 3279
8 Geoff Tennant 636 712.5 863.5 767 2979
9 Dave Kenny - 627.5 - - 627.5

Total of four flights.
CD: Jeff Smith. Judges - Circle 1: Dot Dickinson, Circle 2: Jeff Smith.

The above two events were flown concurrently.
Other events:
Classic - Vintage
Results: Gail Epstein

Higham Ferrers 22 June - South Midland Area Rally

Place Name Round 1 Round 2 Score
1 Glen Alison 831.5 842.5 842.5
2 Brian Sylvester 721 742 742
3 Dave Day 692 668.5 692

Best of two flights. Judge: John Benzing.

Other events: Classic - Vintage

Slip End 23 June - Chiltern Cup

Place Name Round 1 Round 2 Round 3 Score
1 Roy Cherry 988 948.5 924 1936.5
2 John Benzing 956 924.5 962.5 1918.5
3 Barry Robinson 927.5 931.5 913 1859
4 Bill Draper 907 928.5 852 1835.5
5 Glen Alison 769 828.5 871 1699.5
6 John Ash 816 840 839 1679
7 Paul Winter 787.5 804.5 845.5 1650
8 Eddie Sharp 800 845.5 797.5 1645.5
9 Brian Sylvester 821 807.5 732 1628.5
10 Steve Foster 724 745 773.5 1518.5
11 Robin Soanes 781 734.5 701 1515.5
12 Roger Wenman 730 644.5 0 1374.5

Two best flights from three.
Judge - James Parry. CD - Rex Landon.

Results: Gail Epstein

CLAPA Champs June 29 - 30

CLAPA members only. Results

Milton Keynes 28 July - Merco Trophy

Round 1 Round2
Place Name Circle A Circle B Circle A Circle B Score
1 B Robinson 1073.5 968.5 1057.5 1011.5 2085
2 J Benzing 1054 1003 1078.5 986 2081.5
3 K Barnes 964.5 928 974.5 934 1908.5
4 M Taylor 833 900 959.5 872 1859.5
5 P Jackson 944.5 879.5 946.5 898 1844.5
6 G Alison 929.5 880.5 943 870 1823.5
7 E Sharp 872 896 847.5 785.5 1768
8 P Winter 957.5 744 952 805 1762.5
9 B Sylvester 791 789.5 883.5 802 1685.5
10 S Foster 887 791.5 848.5 755 1678.5
11 R Soanes 771.5 822.5 851 796 1673.5
12 D Stepney 839 723.5 832.5 734 1573
13 D Kenny 349 596.5 0 136 945.5

Best flight from each circle.
Judges - Circle A: Roger Ladds, Circle B: James Parry.

PAMPA Trophy

Round 1 Round2
Place Name Circle A Circle B Circle A Circle B Score
1 J Benzing 1054 1003 1078.5 986 4121.5
2 B Robinson 1073.5 968.5 1057.5 1011.5 4111
3 K Barnes 964.5 928 974.5 934 3801
4 P Jackson 944.5 879.5 946.5 898 3668.5
5 G Alison 929.5 880.5 943 870 3623
6 M Taylor 833 900 959.5 872 3614.5
7 P Winter 957.5 744 952 805 3458.5
8 E Sharp 872 896 847.5 785.5 3401
9 S Foster 887 791.5 848.5 755 3282
10 B Sylvester 791 789.5 883.5 802 3266
11 R Soanes 771.5 822.5 851 796 3241

Total of four flights.
Judges - Circle A: Roger Ladds, Circle B: James Parry.

The above two events were flown concurrently.
Other events:
Classic - Vintage
Results: Gail Epstein

Wharfedale August 11

Cancelled due to flooding.

Barkston Heath 24 - 26 August - British Nationals Gold Trophy

Round 1 Saturday Round 2 Sunday Round 3 Monday
Place Name Circle 1 Circle 2 Circle 1 Circle 2 Circle 1 Circle 2 Score
1 Barry Robinson 1865 1793 2011 1969 1936.5 1910.5 7827
2 Bill Draper 1840 1921 1985 1954 1885 1984 7808
3 Tony Eifflaender 1790 1713 1881 2039 1824.5 1977 7721.5
4 John Benzing 1867 1806.5 1958.5 1873 0 1943 7641.5
5 Roy Cherry 1865 1830 1957 1917.5 1865.5 1762 7570
6 Michael Feger 1665.5 1732.5 1851.5 1937.5 1762.5 1850.5 7402
7 John Hamilton 1858 1742.5 1845.5 574 1814.5 1623.5 7368.5
8 Ian Galt 1763.5 1676 1759 1764 1692 1964 7250.5
9 Fraser Mackay 1700.5 1840 1729.5 1921 1384 0 7191
10 Ray Lloyd 1647.5 1689 1806 1731 1671 1818 7026
11 Maurice Doyle 1657 1464 1739 1706.5 1679.5 810 6935
12 Tom Jolley 1510 1632.5 1765.5 1632.5 1617 1721 6736
13 Peter Arkley 1590.5 1595.5 1743.5 1733 1590 1661.5 6728.5
14 Eddie Sharp 1637.5 1468 1698 1659 1579.5 1718.5 6713
15 Jim Hatch 1652.5 1617.5 1676.5 1567.5 1577.5 1652.5 6599
16 John Ash 1429.5 1380 1703 1597.5 1628.5 1645 6574
17 Paul Winter 1600 1544.5 1745 1654 0 0 6543.5
18 Steve Foster 1475.5 1396 1653 1558 1562.5 1680 6453.5
19 Brian Sylvester 1478 789 1685 1607.5 1591 1537 6420.5
20 Dick Stepney 1488 1359.5 1690 1553 1522 1363 6128
21 Ken Reeves 1408.5 1357 1492.5 1481.5 1463.5 1649 6086.5
22 Dave Roberts 1180 1573.5 1472 1712 0 0 5937.5
23 Steve Smith 1454 1367.5 1638.5 1476.5 0 0 5936.5
24 Geoff Tennant 1319.5 1260 1443 1443 1469.5 1359.5 5715
25 Neil Stewart 1297 979.5 1376 1147.5 45 380 4800

Best 2 flights from each circle.
Judges - Circle 1: Peter Jackson & John Bonner, Circle 2: Dot Dickinson & Bill Grieve.
Scores are total of 2 judges.

Other events: Classic - Vintage

Results: Gail Epstein

Barton 15 September - Barton Cup

Round 1 Round2
Place Name Circle 1 Circle 2 Circle 1 Circle 2 Score
1 Roy Cherry 979 991.5 939 968 1970.5
2 Bill Draper 996 946 1014 954.5 1968.5
3 Tony Eiffleander 986 941.5 1006.5 901 1948
4 Barry Robinson 993 900.5 988.5 950.5 1943.5
5 Ian Galt 969 921 957 896 1890
6 Ray Lloyd 925.5 881.5 964 925.5 1889.5
7 Dave Roberts 921 897 947.5 889 1844.5
8 Peter Arkley 866 871 930.5 888 1818.5
9 Richard Handscomb 946.5 687.5 976.5 802.5 1779
10 Jim Hatch 840.5 855 877.5 825.5 1732.5
11 Peter Miller 789.5 697 850.5 766 1616.5
12 Geoff Tennant 807 735 826.5 761.5 1588
13 Ken Reeves 798.5 727.5 801.5 782 1583.5
14 Neville Eyre 805 678 734 707 1512
15 David Kenny 652 482 99 - 1134

Best flight from each circle.
Judges - Circle 1: Dot Dickinson, Circle 2: Jeff Smith.

Results: Jim Hatch

Slip End 22 September - Doug Blake Trophy

Place Name Round 1 Round 2 Round 3 Score
1 Roy Cherry 1820 1929 1942 3871
2 Barry Robinson 1907 1868.5 1932 3839
3 John Benzing 1908.5 1857 1821.5 3765.5
4 Paul Winter 1713 1773.5 1728 3501.5
5 Richard Handscomb 1563.5 1674.5 1707.5 3382
6 Eddie Sharp 1640.5 1644.5 1540 3285
7 John Ash 1593.5 1672 1595.5 3267.5
8 Steve Smith 1496.5 1579 1575.5 3154.5
9 Dick Stepney 1396.5 1532 1470 3002
10 Robin Soanes 1396 1492 1481 2973.5
11 Robert Kitley 1284.5 1433.5 1458 2891.5
12 Peter Rabjohn 1347.5 1428.5 1312.5 2776
13 Steve Foster 309 1189 1458.5 2647.5
14 Peter Jackson 1574.5 261 0 1835.5

Best 2 of 3 flights.
Judges; Peter Catlow & Glen Alison.
Scores are total of 2 judges.

Other events: Classic

Results: Gail Epstein

Croydon 10 November

3 entries. Abandoned due to conditions.

Coloured divider

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