Dave Day's Control Line Page

The intention here is to bring you up-to-date news of all things to do with Control-Line with perhaps an emphasis on Vintage Stunt - the trailing edge of technology.

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So, just who IS the enemy? - new
The Joke that is Vintage/OTS Stunt
Electric stunters
Nimrod Design and Build History - by Jim Mannall
George Aldrich's drill and tap size chart
Sources of control-line wire
Vintage Stunt News & Views
Everything Under Control
Control-line flying explained, from the handle out.
The Kan Doo Story.
Fireball Trophy winners
UK Nationals winners:
Gold Trophy
Vintage Stunt

UK Contest Calendars: 1999 - 2005
Contest Results - UK and VSC.
An electric C/L model
Historic C/L articles
Bill Netzeband articles
Vintage and Classic eligible stunt models:
Vintage - 465 entries
Classic - 432 entries

Lists by Terry McDonald:
Scale Stunters Pre 1952
Model Engine Tests
These are Terry's lists with no input from me.

All you need is a motor that goes where it's pointed - the rest is fantasy.

C/L Links

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